
Ethos Lilac Diesel x GMO Cookies

Regular Photoperiod

Started with 5 regular Lilac Diesel x GMO Cookies. Coco drip, drain to waste. General Hydro Gro, Bloom, Micro and Kleen. Botanicare cal-mag.

Ethos Lilac Diesel x GMO Cookies

Day 157 (Week 23)

61 updates

127 photos

Day: 157

Finally bringing down the last LDxGMO-Cookies. Trim jail 😵‍💫 but she dank. Considering a reveg and using her as a graft base. Thinks make ya go hum…

2 years ago

Day: 98

Opened this girl up a bit for the finish

2 years ago

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Finishing beautiful, great job if I didn’t say it before 👏🏾👏🏾

Day: 97


Still waiting for the amber to come in

2 years ago


cowboy86 Very nice and beautiful growmie, I love the gmo cookies


Kazuma Looks 🔥 amazing work!

CellularAtomaton Thanks growmies! 🙌

Day: 97


Big mama stacking

2 years ago


Caliban Looking like Guy Fieri’s hair!


HammertimeAZ Now that’s a bush! Beautiful grow, growmie!

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Day: 97

Opened up big momma a bit!

2 years ago

Day: 94


Stacking trichs

2 years ago

Day: 91


43 days since sexing

2 years ago

CellularAtomaton Touch of amber creeping in on the upper buds

Day: 90


It’s getting a little cloudy ☁️ up in dis

2 years ago

Growjay Simpson Damn bro absolutely gorgeous!!!

Day: 85

Week 6 of flower

2 years ago


organic_grower Nice pics!

CellularAtomaton Thanks organic_grower! I’m really looking forward to the next few weeks.

Day: 83


Gave the bushy girls a bit of an airflow manicure.

2 years ago


organic_grower Very happy looking girls! 👍

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts 👏🏾👏🏾 looks great

Day: 82

Day 33 of flower. 3.5-4 more weeks

2 years ago


KIOS_Funky84 Ethos always has solid genetics, looking nice bro 👊🏻👍🏻

CellularAtomaton Thanks, it’s been a pleasure to work with so far!

Day: 79

This girl is vigorous!

3 years ago

Day: 79


Big girl starting to get her flower on. She was already showing pistils before the flip.

3 years ago


cowboy86 What are you feeding her

CellularAtomaton General Hydro Flora Series


cowboy86 What’s the power

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Day: 77


3 years ago


lettuce97 yeeeeeesh. make me wanna run ethos for one or two tents

slade I was just looking at ethos grandpas stash and cherry gar see ya

CellularAtomaton So far so good guys!

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Day: 74

First sign of oxidation

3 years ago

Day: 74

Day 26 of flower

3 years ago

Day: 72

This may be a keeper pheno!

3 years ago

CellularAtomaton Day 24 of flower

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Super frosty for day 24…keeper!! 👍🏾👍🏾

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Day: 70

Loving this cross

3 years ago


CCWOY2209 Love Ethos!!

CellularAtomaton CCWOY: wish you had pics of how your Ethos Cookies finished, looks like they were getting pretty far along


CCWOY2209 Yeah. I’m still learning to journal more with this app. My Cookies I didn’t even weigh when I was done. It was really my first grow other than some bag seeds. But, my Candy Store grow yielded me a decent amount. Just switched my Ethos Citradelic Sunset to 12:12 last week and will try to be better about taking pics as the grow goes!

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Day: 69

Reach for the ✨

3 years ago


BINAII Looks amazing. You know that root zone is healthy. What do you use?


GrandpaJohn I was going to grab some Ethos genetics, glad I ran across this. Keep up the awesome grow

CellularAtomaton BINAll: general hydro flora series + Calmagic + hydroguard , 30% perlite, 70% coco, 15% runoff, EC 1.8ish, 3 fertigations per day, 5 gal pot with 3.75 gallons of mix in it, drip drain to waste.

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Day: 68

Loving the nose these girls are developing!

3 years ago

Day: 66


Fully into flower development mode!

3 years ago


steezykayla Whoa she’s beautiful! 🌱 💚

CellularAtomaton Thank you so much! They are a labor of love 💚


steezykayla Isn’t that the truth. It’s why we do it! Just curious if you do any defoliation to get more light into the inner buds forming?

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Day: 63

Good morning ladies

3 years ago

CellularAtomaton The “runt” is still recovering from being chopped in half.

Day: 60

3rd tent is up and running

3 years ago

Day: 60

Hard late pruning on one of the Lilac Diesel girls to make room for the Mandarin Cookies.

3 years ago

Day: 60

Big girl takes a hard scrogging!

3 years ago

bucklin88 New grower here- what does the net specifically do? I got one in my tent kit and wasn’t sure it was for anything purposeful lmao

CellularAtomaton It holds the plant down and forces it to grow horizontally. Once in flower it will also support any heavier branches that can’t hold themselves up (that’s usually not a problem in a 3x3 tent though)

Day: 51


Yes there are 2 girls in there

3 years ago

CellularAtomaton Big momma is gonna get pruned and and scrogged out

CellularAtomaton 3rd tent about ready to move in

Day: 50

Tent #2 mods

3 years ago


alwaysgrowfuego Lilac & GMO. Those terps are gonna be hella interesting. Very strong smells, curious to know what the smell smells like

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz What do we have here 🤔

CellularAtomaton AlwaysGrowFuego: they haven’t really developed a heavy nose yet but I can’t wait!

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Day: 48

Day 1 of flower

3 years ago

Day: 45

A little pruning down below

3 years ago

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts I love the way these look. Very healthy and perfect node stacking 👍🏾👍🏾


greenhouseguy95 Beautiful plants man

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Day: 43

New mods for flower tent #1

3 years ago

CellularAtomaton Nice and clean now

CellularAtomaton The runt is putting on size


emaj7b5 Nice DIY!!

Day: 40

Rearranged things a bit. Working on a new system for mounting the drip trays to the tent frame this weekend.

3 years ago


Matta2377 Beauty!


emaj7b5 Looks nice. I’m about to rebuild my room.

CellularAtomaton Thanks and good luck with the rebuild. Setting up and dialing in a grow is half of the fun for me.

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Day: 37

Light up to 9/10. Outflow EC - Inflow EC ~200. Switching to bloom Fertigation ratios tonight.

3 years ago

Day: 36

These girls got some breathing room today. Moved the runt into a veg tent for a couple more weeks. Flipping these two today.

3 years ago

Day: 34


Getting ready to flip. Going to move one into another tent and just flower 2 in this tent. Will let the one I move veg out into a monster.

3 years ago


combatmedic81 Why do you clip the edges of the bags

CellularAtomaton They are 5 gal bags with only about 3.5 gal of medium in them. Clipping the extra material down against the medium helps it dry down more evenly and prevents leaves from resting on the edge of the cloth which would be a vector for pests and prevent leaf movement driven by the fans. Leaf movement is a part of IPM.

Day: 34

Bushin’ out!

3 years ago


lettuce97 i noticed the exotic genetix and ethos have super thick leaves

CellularAtomaton Posted some leaf close ups for ya


emaj7b5 👍🏼

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Day: 33

Light up to 7/10. Still no EC bump in runoff so dialing back fertigations a bit.

3 years ago

Day: 32

Good Morning!

3 years ago

Day: 31

Outflow-Inflow in the 100-200 uS range. Ladies are lovin’ it. Will top again as dominant nodes breach the canopy before flipping.

3 years ago

Day: 30

Inflow and outflow EC are pretty much equal. Dropping fertigation times to try and get a bit of lift on the outflow EC

3 years ago

Day: 30

Feeling good about this girl

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Very nice 👍


JG705 Strong 💪 and healthy Growmie, looking 👍

Day: 29

Have tried to up the light to 7/10 a couple times but the back right girl droops so I am backing off to 6/10 for a couple days

3 years ago

Day: 28

EC dropoff down to 100-200. Able to maintain VPD without humidifier now.

3 years ago

Day: 26

Let’s top these girls today!

3 years ago

Day: 23

Turned up the light a notch yesterday, still tuning fertigation time since switching to 5gal pots

3 years ago

Day: 23

Run off EC on point. 3x20 mins per day on 2GPH drippers (tiny little 140GPH aquarium pump). Turned up light to 6/10

3 years ago

Splifford L Will you do any LST? When do you start?

CellularAtomaton I have in the past but not this run. I will top shortly and again a few nodes after that. No other stressors.


OLD CROW GROW Very healthy!💪🏽💪🏽

Day: 21

Transplanted into final pots and tuning drip.

3 years ago

Day: 20

Reconfigured drip today. Transplant to 5gal fabric pots tomorrow. Finally started using my ph pen today. Turns out I was running way too acidic previously with the test indicator drops!

3 years ago


mikki1time So fucking clean bro! I love hydro set ups I’m organic but I wanted to know where do you cop a 3x3 tray? Maybe one that’s not 150$ 😅

CellularAtomaton Hey thanks! This is a 3x3 OD tray I found at Hydro Brew here locally in the SW burbs of Chicago. I think it was less than $100 but i can’t remember exactly. I also have a 2x2 ID tray (which is probably closer to 28x28 OD) in my other 3x3 tent that I picked up off of Amazon for like $80. I haven’t decided which size I like better, the 3x3 is definitely a tight fit an puts a little extra tension on the zippers but having full square footage is great.

Day: 19

QPCR results came back as all fems. Need to get these girls transplanted and on auto drip stat! Culled 2 phenos that couldn’t handle RH drops when the tent was open.

3 years ago

Day: 12

Let’s play “spot the males”. QPCR results should be back next week.

3 years ago

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Sounds like an amazing cross, I’ve heard good things about lilac and the gmo I’ve had was amazing. Happy growing growmie 👍🏾

Day: 11

Feeling good vibes from this one

3 years ago

Day: 11

Still running the dome to keep RH at 65. Air Temps around 80. Cut off a cotyledon from each to send in for qPCR sex testing.

3 years ago

Day: 10

Air temp 78, leaf temp 72, RH 65

3 years ago

Day: 9

Still on 1 fertigation per day. Sending cotyledons off for sexing tomorrow…

3 years ago

Day: 8

Upped nutes to 1.5 EC

3 years ago

Day: 7

Trying to keep that humidity up

3 years ago

Day: 6

Improved position of humidity and temp sensors. Getting new drip reservoirs ready.

3 years ago

Day: 5

Potted the rapid rooters in 50/50 coco/perlite. Fed 1/4 strength nutes which EC at 0.5

3 years ago

Day: 4

2 hand fertigations today with the quarter strength GH+cal mag ph adjusted mix. One cube looking pretty dry by end of day.

3 years ago

Day: 3

First feeding quarter strength.

3 years ago


bjbetty Keep humid up up up


bjbetty Looking good mate happy grow

CellularAtomaton Thanks! I’m definitely looking forward to this one! First time I’ve been tracking VPD carefully and they really exploded out of the gate.

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Day: 2

Starting off strong

3 years ago

Day: 1

Covering with a tent to retain moisture until roots are developed.

3 years ago