North Thunderfuck & Northern Lights from Royal Queen Seeds
First ever run.
My very first grow of cannabis ever. Two of the plants are Northern Lights and the other 3 are North Thunderfuck from RQS. One of the Northern Lights failed to germinate. All are auto flowers, I’m using this as a way to learn to care for and grow while the also learning my equipment and techniques. I started 4 in rock wool cubes and 4 in paper towels. One of the rockwool cube started was a failure to germinate. When I pulled the rock wool cube apart the tap root was only about 3mm and just stopped. I’m down to my allotted 4 flowering plants per the state. I gave my buddy my extra plants. And of course I accidentally killed 2 in the process of learning.
Northern Thunderfuck & Northern Lights Autos | Royal Queen Seeds
Day 69 (Week 10)
38 updates
320 photos
Day: 69

Broke out the Nikon and took some shots tonight. I have to find something to do while waiting for them to finish up. The transformation these plants go through is really fascinating.
a year ago
Day: 69

Starting to get some amber trichomes. I checked because two of the ladies didn’t drink like usual. They have been requiring a nightly water for the last three weeks. Tonight plant 5 is still at 40% only down a few points from last nights watering. Plant 4 is at 39% again only down about 4 points from last night. The other ladies were all at 22% from last night. So I’m going to leave them until Sunday unless I see a rapid shift to amber. Got the drying tents all ready and Mother Nature has provided the 60 deg air conditioning locally, so we’re good to go.
a year ago
Day: 66

For my very first grow of cannabis ever, I’m really happy with how this is turning out. I was totally prepared to completely fail my first attempt, but so far, this is turning out well. They are producing amazing smells, the buds look like they are platinum in color, especially when they are under the lights. I never knew that buds could be greasy, but these things are which is blowing my mind. The calyx structure is starting to fill out so I know I’m at least doing something right. I can see how someone would think “just pick some now” and figure the added time wouldn’t matter but every day or two, the maturity of the bud structure, weight of the colas and aroma from the tent is increased. I’m not a heavy smoker and honestly, a lot of this will go to my x-mother-in-law to help with her MS so I’m not feeling the “need to wrap it up” which is nice. These plants have an advertised 75 day maturity from seed, but they will be done when they are done. Learning a ton from the process and have met some very cool people along the way. Its a shame that prohibition of this plant has and still does, hinder this community. One love everyone.
a year ago
Day: 65

Moving along. I have been watering every night. Most nights I’m using the lotus nutrients I originally bought but I’m not happy with them. Their water solubility is not great and it takes forever to get the majority to dissolve. I know it’s close to the end but I did hit them with amino acids and some recharge. I also added some kelp to the mix because now that I’ve corrected my soil ph, these ladies have been thirsty and are showing yellowing on the lower leaves. I’m really starting to see how off they were for a few weeks. Now that things are good the amount they are drinking is much more. Instead of being close to needing water they are really needing water at the end of the day. Where they may have been at 29-32 % moisture, they are now getting to 19-22%.
a year ago
Day: 63

This stuff it actually greasy. I bumped a bud tonight and it left a residue on my hand. I’m starting to smell blueberries with the skunk. I’ve never smelled anything like it. I did a half ass job growing this and it’s going to be the best cannabis I’ve ever smoked and I thought I had some fire stuff a few years ago. This growing your own shit is the way to go. 🤩
a year ago
Day: 62

After taking the advice by LeChron and combatmedic my soil ph has gone from 4.3 to 5.9 in 3.5 days. Trichome development has increased, the leaf issues have gone away. Buds are putting on weight and getting nice and firm. Aroma is also getting really nice. I had to put the carbon filter on my exhaust because the outside of my house was smelling like a massive grow and I’ve got my daughter’s friends that come over to play in the yard and their parents swing by to chat from time to time and I just don’t want to alienate her friends because of my hobby.
a year ago
Day: 61

Well these gals smell so freaking good. Taking advice from some of y’all I began feeding a watering ago and just worried about the input ph. They seem to be developing nicely and trichome production has improved over the last 2 days. Thanks combatmedic and LeChron.
a year ago
Day: 58

Issues be dammed these things are fattening up really nicely. The trichomes are dense and the smells are getting potent. I’m really looking forward to seeing them in their final form. I had to water plant 1,3, & 4. Plant 2 was still at the 38% range according to the sensor and when doing the finger test and picking it up, it didn’t need water. It’s nice feeling what sort of wet is. Its so subjective and up to interpretation so using the sensors as a reference and learning tool helps a ton.
a year ago
cookredeyed Your plants are huge! I bet they are all smelling great too! Pretty sweet Millennium Falcon btw. I need some sweet Star Wars background stuff in my pics!
Day: 56

Watered again today. Only with wetting agent and root wise amino acids and a small amount of molasses mixed before adding to the brew. I’ve been aerating the water for 24 hours before using it. I’ve been using an aquarium bubbler as I read that the added oxygen in the water can be good for the roots and the microbiology.
a year ago
Devanguy56288 Lookin great!
amithus Yeah other than the leaf issues here and there these ladies are bangers. They smell SOOOO GOOOOD. I rub the stems to get a smell when I work on them and omg, so nice.
Devanguy56288 Pic 11 is my fav! Oh I bet the smell amazing!
Day: 56

I do have a question though. So I’m pretty sure that my diagnosis of the excess cal mag is what I’m seeing that caused a phosphorus deficiency however I haven’t used cal mag since September 18th. I also have cut out adding macronutrients and only things like wetting agent, amino acids, and mycorrhizae. I’m still seeing these copper dead spots showing up, starting mid leaf then spreading out. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I’ve got about 3 weeks to the scheduled finish of these plants. I know not to go on the schedule but I’m only posting that so y’all know how much time I’ve got left. I’m thinking of just riding it out but it would be par for the course if I lost these like 5 days from finish. I appreciate your help and input.
a year ago
amithus Hey combat, I know you offered to help if I had a question so I’m going to take you up on it. I made a second post today showing the issue I’ve been seeing. I use reverse osmosis water so I originally thought I’d add a 1/4 dose of cal mag at pretty much every watering. Back on the 19th of September I started seeing small dots in the middle of the leaves then in about 24 hours they grew to a very copper colored dead spot. I cut out the cal mag and nutrients and just started watering with 7.0 ph water as my soil ph was in the 4.6 range. I’m using organic nutrients like kelp (now that I think about it that’s even more calcium), a mycorrhiza feeding liquid, an infrequent 1/2 strength dose of lotus dry amendments, and sometimes a small amount (1/8 oz) of molasses. I’m using fox farms ocean forest soil with nature’s living soil mixed into the bottom 1/3rd of the pot per their instructions. New leaves always come in nice and healthy looking but after about 5-6 days they start showing the same symptoms. If you have any suggestions I’d appreciate it. That goes for the rest of you here too
amithus I reposted this so you all can chime in and know the back story. I welcome any input from the community. Thank you in advance.
amithus Oh yeah and when I say 7.0 ph water, I don’t have to correct it to get there. I’m lucky enough that my water falls there naturally. The tap water is 7.5 ph and after the reverse osmosis process its usually been 6.7-7.2 ph depending on the day. I also let my water aerate for 24 hours before I put it in 1gal containers and I aerate it again in my 5 gal bucket while mixing in anything I’m adding.
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Day: 55

I feed them today for the first time since my cal mag issue and phosphorus lock out. I used a bloom and boost feed from lotus at 1/2 strength and still have not added cal mag. These are both higher p and k. I also added an amino acid blend from root wise to help transport the nutes. I have been phing my soil and it is finally getting above 5 again. The bud sites are really coming together it seems and they are really getting trichomes. I accidentally bumped plant 4 and it smells so good. They are also drinking so much. I’m glad I went with earth boxes for my next grow. These 3gal pots are just not enough. They are hard to water because the plant is so much bigger than the pot and they are getting to 22% moisture according to the ecowitt sensors in 24 hours so it’s been daily watering. I did let them dry out an extra day just to see the pot weight difference in dry weight now that they are this big. Can’t rely on tech all the time and I do want to learn. I don’t want to depend on sensors, I’m using them as a learning tool. I’m thinking this was my last feed because they should be done around day 75 and that’s about 2 - 3 weeks from now. I might hit them again in 5 days depending how they look. I know there’s been a few studies showing that feeding to the end vs flushing doesn’t really make a difference in most areas but both studies did show a decrease in chlorophyll which will increase taste or lessen harshness. I think I’ll feed 2 to the end and flush 2 to see what I like. In all reality, wherever I get from this is going to be better than anything I’ve ever had in my past so yeah.
a year ago
LeChron James The fast drink/dry cycle can be a great thing in other mediums but you’re right that’s too fast for soil. My coco pots dip down in the low 20% range daily, but then right back up to 45%. Each time this happens counts as a feeding event, and the more feeding events the more growth you get. Something to consider when growing indoors in soil.
LeChron James I think you caught your issue plenty early. Looks great
amithus Oh nice I never knew that. Makes complete sense. Thanks for that nugget of info.
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Day: 52

Ohhhh weeee gettin frooostyyyy 🥶
a year ago
Day: 50

Oh man life happened the last 2 weeks so I haven’t had time to post. I also had an issue about 10 days ago where my plants started showing a drastic copper color on the leaves and yellowing/drying out. I first thought I was missing nutrients but I slowed down and researched and concluded that it was a reaction to too much cal mag. I’ve been adding 1/4 dose to my water because I’m using reverse osmosis water so I figured to replace the minerals I’d do this. The copper color was due to a lock out of phosphorus but it happened so fast. I wound up just staying calm and I watered when needed with just ro water and cut off the torched leaves. Now 10 days and 4 watering sessions later they have fully bounced back. Some of the leaves still show nutrient burn but new leaves look good. I thought I blew it but these gals want to live. These ecowitt water moisture sensors are really nice which really helped me gauge the health of the plants by seeing them uptake more water as the soil returned to good levels. I’ll make another post to show what they looked like at the height of the issue but these pictures are the most recent. I should be back to more regular posts now that work has gone back to normal. Working in IT and being the owner of the company that also still is in the field can take me away for a while. These pics are from today.
a year ago
cookredeyed I’m glad they are bouncing back!
amithus Thanks brother
apexpred Glad to see they bounced back so well!
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Day: 50

These are the pictures from September 23rd. I thought I took more of them on the 20th before I defoliated the really bad leaves but there’s a few in these pictures where you can see the copper color and drying out. The very first picture of the single leaf is what they looked like on the 19th. By the next day, probably 36 hours after those spots showed up they went down hill fast. Now they have completely recovered and I’ve had to defoliate several times just to thin them out from all the growth. I also had one die but that’s because I put it in a different tent because it was being crowded out and one of the days I was super busy the small tent lost power and wasn’t on my battery system, we have had a very hot, cold cycle here in Minnesota the last few weeks and it was on a day that got into the mid 80s, I had it in a room that got to 97 and the ventilation went down but the lights stayed on. According to the controller it got to 112 deg and 42rh. Cooked her. Tried to revive her but just didn’t get to it in time. Probably for the best because those other gals are raging so hard they are over growing the foot print I had them in.
a year ago
Day: 39

Had to water in 4 gal across all plants again. The bigger ones are really putting down the water. I did a pretty heavy defoliation on bottom leafs, light blocking fan leaves on the main stem, tucking others and tying down the outside branches to get more light. These things are really growing fast. My 2nd tent is pretty much setup and I’m thinking of pulling some of these to the other tent because they are so big.
a year ago
cookredeyed These plants are getting huge! Do you see much difference in the 2 strains?
amithus Yeah the lights have thinner leaves, the thunder fuck started slower and busier but now has completely taken off. The lights is more Christmas tree where the thunder is more bush. I think the newer genetics are clearly obvious. But in the end all I care about is taste, I don’t really care about thc, I can always smoke more but if the flavor isn’t there…
cookredeyed “If the flavor isn’t there…” agreed!! Lol! For my first grow I did different strains and they were night and day in growth! One was a bush w tight buds the others were super tall and airy. They were polar opposites! Lol!!
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Day: 38

Holy crap every time I’m thinking these things are growing fast the next few days after that they are even faster. This is nuts. I’m having to water every 24-36 hours now. I’ve been letting the ecowitt meters get to the high 20s and if they are 32 or lower at night I’ll water just so they don’t slip lower than 25%. I’m going to apply my last round of IPM tomorrow as the bud sites are actually forming and I don’t want neem in my buds.
a year ago
Day: 37

Well shit these things are cruising. I rotated the pots tonight just because I want to get all sides flowing. Other than that I swear the bigger ones grew a half inch or more today. I don’t know what to think about the front left one, it’s definitely behind on growth and it’s super bushy with little spacing between nodes. I’m probably going to watch it for a week and then decide what to chop off.
a year ago
Day: 36

I had to water again last night. Didn’t get the chance to post because I’m setting up my second tent and cleaning my lung room, cat hair, me hair and it’s all hard floors so dust and stuff shows up quickly. Outside temps have fallen. In Minnesota we get cool quick so I’ve got a ton of work to do this weekend between getting my tropical bonsai trees inside, cleaning up my back yard in prep for fall and I’ve got to finish this tent so I can get my house back. I did feed again with the watering because all the plants are showing pistils and the tops are growing quick. The 3 gal pots just have me on my toes with water and feed. I’ve stuck with low EC and low PPM and just feeding more frequently. I’ve been doing 1/4 to 1/2 doses of my amendments. Defoliated a few older large main stem fan leaves, been doing them as they overwhelm a node that obviously has pistils. I did a lot of tucking in the beginning so going back and opening up the canopy seems right to do. I also did some stem tying and I used some bonsai wire and shaped some stems like I do with my trees.
a year ago
Day: 34

Are these pistils I’m seeing? This plant has increased the node size and it looks like white hairs at the bases by the node. These are auto flowers which is why I’m asking. And it’s my first grow.
a year ago
combatmedic81 Yes those look like pistils
amithus Awesome! My first ever pistils.
shiz Definitely spitting hairs you got a girl congratulations
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Day: 33

I’m doing much better. Been watering these like they are my Japanese maple bonsai that are prone to root rot. I’ve been under watering since the beginning, I’ve been looking for the leaf praying that many have and I never did until I upped the water. I bought those ecowitt sensors and they are amazing. Ecowitt sensors reported 35-28% across all plants. Watered 2.5 gal according to sensors. Plants 1-5 are reporting 41-48% after watering. Plants 6&7 are reporting 57% & 54% (too much) respectively 20 minutes after watering. Mixed 3.5 gal ro water with 100ml microbe life vitamins and amino acids, 6oz kelp, 15ml yucca, 5ml rhizotonic, molasses, 1tsp cal mag lotus. Wiped to froth as usual, let sit and wiped again. All amendments are at half strength or less. Cal mag is always in my water because I use ro water so I use at 1/4 strength every watering to replace minerals. I also trimmed the bottom fan leaves off plants 2, 4 & 5, they were not getting any light. Leafs looked healthy and no sign of pests both on the fly paper and under microscope.
a year ago
LeChron James I love the Ecowitt too. Is this coco or soil?
amithus It’s a living soil mix. I didn’t know much about how living soil works so my pots are too small (3 gal) but I bought earth boxes for my next run so I’ve got more buffer. This run is natures living soil in the bottom third mixed per their specs and the top 2/3 is Fox farms ocean forest. I have top dressed once about a week ago too.
LeChron James Ya, you’ll struggle to keep a living soil at this volume. I’m overly blunt sometimes…unless you bump the pot size north of 10 gallons you won’t be able to raise this plant the living soil way. 10 gallons is the absolute min….15 and up is really the sweet spot. It’s not too late, though. Build A Soil has shown good success with those earth boxes, but why not grab a 15 gallon pot and some more soil and transplant her? Your process otherwise is immaculate. Only offering this feedback because I’ve been down this road and learned the hard way.
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Day: 30

So I fucked up. I lost track of my watering schedule and we had some really weird weather this past week with temps running in the 95 deg to the 65 deg and back again, my ac unit failed to start when I was on a call for work and when I checked my temps they hit 88 deg and 40% rh. I was planning on watering the night before but I was on site ( I’m a contract it admin running my own business doing emergency work for hospitals) so i was way dry during this ac failure. My biggest plant basically fried 1/4 on the light facing side. I’ll show pics so you’ll see when I came home the leaves were tacoing on the one side. I checked the pot weight and it was like when I first put the soil in the pot dry. 😰 I watered to runoff slowly and bottom watered about 1/8” in the trays. They bounced back nicely and I trimmed off any leaves that were too far gone. Pics show the most effected plant over the few days this went on. I’ll post again what they all look like as of today in another post.
a year ago
amithus Are you saying the use of colloidal silver in the breading process to force a female plant to go hermaphrodite to produce feminized seeds on another female plant that we then plant in our equipment which causes it to break? What part of that process do you conclude causes issues and breaks equipment?
amithus And before anyone tries to warn me, yes I know…
zer0applied Use recharge and they’ll bounce right back. We have all done this. More than once lol. Those temps and humidity won’t do any damage. I have a plant that I have in a separate tent by itself to stress it and it’s leaf temp is 90 and humidity is 35%
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Day: 30

See other post from today. Pic 1 is of the most effected plant that I cut leaves off of. This is what they all look like after recovering. The drought happened Wednesday. These pics are from today, Saturday. I’m happy to see only the one plant got really damaged and it’s actually bouncing back nicely. It’s funny, of the three northern lights, one didn’t germinate, one I messed up and accidentally mixed my living soil through the whole pot instead of the bottom third so it got nute burned and the third was my biggest plant but it now got whacked by my failure with water. It’s like my brain doesn’t want that strain even though it’s been my favorite in the past when buying. These pics are all the most recent from today.
a year ago
Day: 26

They are drinking more for sure. I bought two earth boxes for my next grow, 3 gal pots just need more attention I think. At least I’m going to give it a try. 1 gal with a half dose of kelp, quarter dose of cal mag, quarter dose of SI, phed to 6.7, PPM was 73, ec was .3. I didn’t water to runoff today as I did it two days ago and all was fine and I’m using organic with home filtered ro water that naturally is 6.8-7.3. No gnats on the new traps even after watering to runoff the other day so I feel my program of neem oil/silica alternating days with a 4 day break in the middle is working. I also did a dusting of nature’s living soil autoflower as a top dress, which is what I used to make the super soil mix in the beginning. I’m very confident in my tech, I’ve been able to keep the room between 76-79 deg and 59-62 rh averaging a VPD of 1.3 air, 1.1 leaf. Leaf temps are -2 to -4 deg F from tent temp, lung room is 73 deg and 51 rh. I added battery backups that I normally put on servers and it will give me a 4 hour run time. Tested the system with my backup internet 5g and the backup power and all is well. I blacked out the room tonight and checked for light leaks and I didn’t see any more since the first time I checked and taped up when first setting up so I’m feeling that photos are able to be done and my gear and controls are tuned in. I’m having way too much fun with this.
a year ago
zer0applied Mosquito bits. Just wait till you get smacked. We all do. Xoxo
zer0applied It’s also nice to see another comp/it/admin guy growing medicinal :)
zer0applied On a side note. Your light timers. Use analog timers, the little clicky wheel ones. Low tech for that only. Trust me.
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Day: 24

I watered 2 gallons across all plants which averages to the 10% of pot soil volume and put kelp, super thrive, rhizotonic and PHed the water to 6.3. Watered to small amount of runoff, the runoff tested at 6.8ph and 1480ppm on the 500ppm scale. That was yesterday. Today (when the pictures were taken) I topped plant 4 and I tucked the bigger one (plant 1) as I didn’t want to top just because it’s my first grow and I want to see what they do with little to no training. Also being in 3 gallon pots I think they are going to be smaller. Next grow I’m going to use earth boxes for the larger soil buffer. I trimmed the first leaves off plus any that were touching soil. Only a few leaves were taken off plants 1-5. Plant 6 I left alone as its more spread out and light is penetrating the canopy nicely. I had to raise the lights to adjust for the canopy growth and put the lights at 50%. They are 200 watt lights each and the DLI is averaging 45 with the highest being 53 and the lowest being 38. PPFD is 625-790 with a 19/5 schedule. They are about 14” from the highest part of the canopy. I felt I was running the temp a little low so I adjusted my day high temps to be 78 degrees F and my humidity is set to 60. Night temps are 72 degrees and 56 rh. New fly sticky traps were installed in each pot to watch for pests.
a year ago
amithus Freaking love how this app mixes up the pictures. Any call out in my post relates to the numbers written on the picture, not the order number given by the app.
Day: 23

No new gnats on the traps today. I took everyone’s advice (much appreciated y’all) and let the soil dry out a touch more, the neem oil and silica spray alternating days, and the vinegar with soap in a cup was started. I think I caught it super early. Plus with new equipment everything was clean and I’ve been keeping up on any spills and soil that gets out of the pots, so I hope that’s that. I am going to use the silica and neem again this weekend and probably do a weekly application until flower then cut it out so I don’t mess with the buds. I guess neem is a no go on buds. Anyway, I’m really happy with progress so far. Feels good to have identified, albeit a minor issue, early and took care of it and successfully managed it. Small wins. I do appreciate this community both posting on my stuff and being able to read your posts to learn from. Happy Labor Day weekend to my US growmies.
a year ago
Day: 22

I’m really happy with the overall growth of the ladies. I noticed 2 gnats on one of the fly papers yesterday. I sprayed with a silica foliar spray yesterday and neem oil tonight. Tonight I noticed 1-2 gnats on 4/6 fly papers so I made sure to spray the under sides and tops of the leaves and hit the top of the soil. I’m thinking this happened because of the heavy watering 2 days ago. I’m thinking of a sand or other cover like DE. Being my first grow I want to see the effects of the treatments I’m employing before the top cover gets deployed just for educational reasons. If they increase over the next few days I’ll go more nuclear with my responses. I’ll re-apply the treatments in 2 days for the next few weeks. I’m thinking of adopting a few full time as a preventative measure. Again, if anyone has any suggestions or thoughts I’d love your input. I’m by no means above constructive and good meaning opinions. Happy weekend everyone, God bless.
a year ago
cookredeyed I had fungus gnats in one of my grows; nothing crazy, but it was annoying and i hated it! I got mosquito bit to battle them but never used it because they went away after a short time of letting my soil dry out more between feedings. Luckily fungus gnats are more of an annoyance than threat generally. It doesn’t seem like you have an infestation so I’m sure w the silica, neem oil, and letting soil dry a bit will help a lot! 🤞🤞🤞
Day: 20

I had to water again today, the pots were really light and the last time I watered I didn’t get any runoff. This time I watered all until runoff and did the whole pot. Tested runoff and it came in between 6.2 and 6.8 ph depending on the plant. I used kelp, cal mag and added dynomyco to the top before watering as I didn’t have it when I planted so we’ll see if I get inoculated when I chop at the end by doing the granules so late in the process.
a year ago
amithus How can I tell if I’m getting too much lights to these autos? I’m seeing very tight internodes and wondering if I’m putting too much light into them?
cookredeyed Plants are looking good! For my auto I have light about 24 inches above plant. Leaves will turn yellow at the top. You can also get the Photone app which is a pretty accurate par meter. I think it’s free w android but $6 for iOS to use w LED lights.
cookredeyed I ment to say w “if lights are too close light burn can occurs and leaves will turn yellow at the top” couldn’t edit my post.
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Day: 19

The feeding of cal mag and kelp yesterday really seems to have helped. The larger of the plants took off and even the smaller ones has increased quite dramatically. I bumped the lights to 45% tonight bringing the PPFD at canopy level to 620/700 from 570/620. I’m going to be at week 3 on Thursday of this week so I am going to gradually raise the PPFD to the 800/900 level over the next 2 days.
a year ago
Day: 17

Watered and added a small amount of cal mag to my water because I’ve been watering with reverse osmosis water. Also added some kelp juice. Both at half recommended doses. Added to one gallon of water, mixed well and slowly added across all plants to ensure it soaked in. I’m happy with the looks of the plants but if y’all see anything please let me know. 👍
a year ago
Day: 15

Basic check in. The differences in the phenoms  is really cool. The thunderfuck is for sure more compact in its growth and a darker color green. The lights are taking off like crazy. My plants that was deformed has for sure grown the next set of leafs and they are normal so I think she’ll be ok now. The ones I transplanted from starting in rockwool are showing a bit of transplant shock but I expected that. I think I should have opted for a smaller tent and just done two 3x3s or something like that. But maybe when I go to photos I’ll be happier with the larger tent. It’s just a PITA keeping it dialed in with zero experience.
a year ago
amithus By the way what kind of humidifiers do you use? All the ones I’ve got don’t turn back on or remember settings when using a smart switch. I do IT for a living and can be at home as needed but sometimes I have to leave for work and that’s one of the last items for environmental variables that are causing a lot of hands on work. I have a 5x5 tent and I’ve got to keep the ventilation on pretty high to keep the temperature from spiking from the lights. The VIVOSUN humidifiers are awesome in putting out the cool mist and they can for sure keep up with the ventilation system but they are crazy inaccurate and not even the same readings day by day so it’s impossible to dial in even with the wrong numbers as there can be an easy 20 rh difference. The govee sensors I have in there are all spot on and I can control them manually or setup ranges for auto off/on but then the humidifier won’t turn on when the smart switch puts power back on.
cookredeyed I have a cheap humidifier which I got on sale. It works but is also not accurate. It also has a light which can be turned off but is so dim it is hard to tell if it is on or not until I notice when lights are off. My next humidifier will be an AC Infinity, I like their products and it has a hose which allows you to keep up the Rh with the unit outside the tent. In my 2x2 I just use a pot of water, I’ve found it bumps up the Rh just enough.
amithus Awesome idea about the pot of water. I saw the AC infinity units and they are nice looking. I think that’s going to be my next piece of kit. I’m tired always having to baby the humidity.
Day: 13

Starting to really speed up. The one that I dropped a fly paper on when it was a seedling is still alive so that’s cool. I really borked up that leaf when it was the only two on the seedling. I’m definitely seeing the difference between the strains in growth pattern and speed. But we’ll see if it lasts or if it’s just different in the stage it’s in now.
a year ago
amithus I’ve got to thank you all that have helped. Your input and knowledge is always welcome and appreciated. These things grow so different from what I’m used to with my trees.
SaviiBuds There you go growmie! They’re looking great! They are really starting to take off. I had one I dropped a sticky trap on! Her name is Nemo and she’s one of my wedding glue autos if you want to check her out. She exploded and is probably twice the size of her litter mate. I gotta post updates on all of them. I’ve been slacking.
amithus Maybe that’s going to be the new grow science. Drop fly paper on a leaf while in seedling stage for max veg rate. LOL I saw your most recent posts, your plants are kicking ass. Much respect.
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Day: 12

Update: So I was trying to drop my lights in my tent and my cables weren’t long enough so I thought I could just turn up the light and it would be the same, guess I was wrong. One of my plants got really long and the others are odd but not as bad. SaviiBuds actually told me about this too and I’m glad that I was able to re-work my tent. All my lights are now 14” away from the top of the fabric pots. I also got a camera in there now to I can check when I’m at work. I’m going to pot up the rock wool cube grown plants today and sink them a bit more into the earth as I read in a few places to combat the legginess of the mistake I did. Again, pictures 10 and 11 are of the deformed plant that I’m trying to figure out what is going on with it.
a year ago
amithus Hey SaviiBuds, I’d love your input, or anyone else for that matter, on what your thoughts of planting these rock wool cube grown ones a bit lower to take out the legginess. I read in several areas this is ok to do, but would love someone else to confirm this is OK. I know I’ve done it with leggy plants of other vaities before but some don’t like stems too low in soil or they rot. Is cannabis like this?
SaviiBuds They look healthy, just stretching a bit too much. What are they going into to grow out? Something that you can bury the stems a little? If so they’ll be fine! The one that you are worried about could be a few different things. It could just be a weird little genetic thing that she will grow out of. She looks ok, I wouldn’t give up on her yet. Sometimes the ones that start slow will end up being your best plant! Is she in soil? If so, what kind?
amithus Yeah they are all in fox farms ocean forest and natures living soil in the bottom third as per their instructions. The Rockwool cubes will be going into the same setup, fabric pots with the same soil config. But this time I’m going to try happy frog. I transplanted the Rockwool plants and set them to match the height of the other 4 already in soil. I really appreciate all your input, this is so different from my normal routines with my bonsai trees and container Japanese maples. Finally when do you start giving the plants veg strength light? I’ve read once they put out 5 nodes and others say something else. What’s your opinion? I’ve got a PAR meter to go by too if you’re into that.
Day: 11

Anyone able to tell me what’s going on with this plant? It’s grown like this since day one. Deformed, much slower than the rest and seems to have ridges / holes in the leafs. I’d really love to know if this is something I’m doing or if it’s just poor genetics and not to obsess about it. If it’s bad, should I keep it? I have 3 more plants than I can have in flower, because this was my first grow, I wanted to make sure I was as successful as I could be so I planted 8 total knowing that I’d lose some. One didn’t germinate, so now 7 and want to hear what you think about this odd plant.
a year ago
Day: 8

Basic check in. Gave them 1/3 gal water across all plants in pots. Splashed the Rockwool cubes as they were showing signs of getting low. Installed sports bars in the 5x5 tent and had to run the room AC unit because it’s hot as Hades today and seems like it’s going to be hot all week. Lights still at 50%. Starting to see second real leafs starting to form on all but the two that seem stunted. It’s not because of strain because one of the stunted are the Northern Lights and one is the Northern Thunderfuck. I have done the exact same thing with each plant so either they are just slow growers or they’re not up to par genetically. Going to leave them until decision time before flowering when I can legally only have 4 in flower. Then I’ll offer up 3 to my buddy or if they are really bad they will meet their maker.
a year ago
SaviiBuds How close is your light? Some of your girls are a little leggy right now, the shorter ones actually look more like they should imo. I would suggest bringing the light closer so they stop stretching so much.
amithus @SaviiBuds, yeah I was wondering about that. They were too far away. I turned down the light and moved them closer. Getting more PPFD even though they are down to 55% but now they are 12” away. Can you please look at my post about my reject looking one? Do you think it’s the same issue or something different / bad genetics?
Day: 6

Gave 8oz of water total across all 7 plants. I increased the lights to 50% (was 45%) and now the PPFD is 200 vs 175. I’m going for small increases from seedling to veg versus just blasting them with more power. We’ll see. The Rockwool cubes are getting bigger faster which is interesting. Temps are 65f night 78 f day. RH is 72-75%. Running 18/6 as I read for autoflower. I’ve removed all humidity domes today at the half watt point of todays light cycle.
a year ago
amithus Had a good conversation with CookedRedEyed today about how he thinks fox farms ocean might be a bit too hot nutrient wise and might be causing the seedlings to be stunted. Makes sense and looking at my plants, the ones in Rockwool are growing much faster than the ones planted in soil. This will be a good test as all these seeds were started on the same day. Being my first ever grow I started 8 seeds with 7 germinating. The legal limit in MN is 8 total plants with only 4 in flower. I was planning on failure so I started more than I can take to flower. I’m going to give away 3 of the plants to my friend before flower if they all make it to that point. But looking forward to seeing what happens between the soil vs Rockwool test.
cookredeyed How they looking? My auto is about a week older and isn’t much bigger.
Day: 5

Seedlings are getting 180 ppfd of light. Lights are 33” from seedlings. Rockwool seedlings are 2” +.
a year ago
cookredeyed Personally, I think these look right on track. I am in no means a expert, I still consider myself a noob! But they look good so far! Keep posting pics of progress!
amithus Awesome thanks!
amithus I’m trying to be chill about this but I have the bug and I’m loving the process. Been doing bonsai for 6 years and it’s so slow compared to this. Really having fun. I appreciate you checking in on my grow and giving your opinion.
Day: 4

Seedlings transplanted into fabric pots on Sunday the 13th. Monday the 14 seedlings broke soil.
a year ago
Day: 0

Seeds started on first ever grow. 8/10/23
a year ago
Tallboy2023 Don't be afraid to pump the humidity during this stage. I run mine in the 60's. They love it 😍
Caliban Good luck! Take good notes. Don’t overthink everything and use good gardening techniques. Mistakes will happen and that’s good. You learn every grow!
SaviiBuds You want that humidity up like Tallboy said. In this stage it can be all the way up into the 90s. Google the pulse monitor VPD chart for seedlings, veg, and flower. That’ll give you the best idea of what range your temp and humidity should be in for optimal growth
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