

Terrapin Farms Ethos Apex

Winter 2022

Starting a winter grow. The usually long wait while the seeds pop and put down roots. Just moved them into my tent from fluorescent to LED at 60%. Cold cellar so heater going at 75f.

Ethos Apex R1

Day 140 (Week 20)


36 updates

219 photos

Day: 140

Visiting Normandy and Rennes and Bordeaux. Some Omaha beach picture and Point du Hoc

a year ago

Day: 133

19.2oz of trimmed dry buds and about 3 more of popcorn and trim that will go into a hash bucket soon. Very frosty and happy all around with this haul. 4 plants ethos Apex R1.

a year ago

Day: 133

19.2 oz of trimmed bud = 544g. My LED is 480watts so this yield of just gold nugs = 1.13g/watt. If I add the popcorn bud it is maybe 22oz total which gives the yield of 624g or 1.3g/watt. Very happy with the spider farmer full spectrum lights! Almost 2x the yield of an HPS light.

a year ago

Day: 132


Dried for 7 days and now trimming down for curing. 2 plants today. 2 more early tomorrow morning. Then I have to travel to Rennes And Bordeaux France for work.

a year ago


Drizz What’s the dry weight? Nice bro 👍


Tallboy2023 Solid nugs 💪🏽


Caliban I haven’t measured yet. That will happen tomorrow when i do the last 2 plants. I’ll post the dry weight then. Trim is going into another bag for hash

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Day: 132


2 more plants today. Very frosty buds and sugar leaves. Spongy dense colas. Fruity and diesel and cherries. This Apex R1 is one of my best runs. A couple more hours until weigh in

a year ago

Day: 124


Chop day. Removed the trellis and the plants slumped over completely! Lol. So fat and top heavy. Did a semi wet trim to remove most leaves and hung back in tent. 55f and 45rh.

a year ago


organic_grower Congratulations 🎉 on another banger harvest Caliban. 👏


Caliban Thanks Ogie. Always feels like a milestone. Take a month off before planting the summer crop.

Day: 123


Final 24 hours. Lights on 24 and no flushing. Buds really fattened up in the last week and trichomes are 90% cloudy 10% amber more or less. Heat off for a week now so dark temps were around 55-60 and light temps around 73. Like October. Last fed a week ago with high P-K bird guano and some molasses to get the last bit out of the soil before chopping.

a year ago


memo60k doesn’t flushing it before harvest help remove everything that shouldn’t be smoked like the nutrients i’m curious because i read it somewhere 🤔


memo60 those plants look beautiful tho

Day: 122


Maybe cut day tomorrow or this weekend. Getting fat. Dropped temps to 73 day and 60 at night. Lights on until the end. No flushing as that is not needed for organics.

a year ago

IG @stick_e_fingerz

IG @stick_e_fingerz Awesome job Cali!👊😎


ig:@eaegifts 🥶 nice trichome production and colors


Caliban Thanks IG!

Day: 116


Lovely Fall colors. Another week until harvest. I’ll feed them one more time with high P-k mix and that’s it. No flushing necessary. The smell is lemons and fuel.

a year ago

Day: 110


Starting week 8. Added some unsulfered molasses and watered. That’s it.

2 years ago


organic_grower Cola city! Looking sick in there Caliban!!! Always a beautiful sight 🤩


Caliban April 1 is cut day

Day: 106


Buds getting fat! Turned off heater to drop temps to 59 at night and 73 day to replicate fall. About 2 more weeks.

2 years ago


organic_grower Beautiful work Caliban! Those buds are getting fat for sure! 👍


Caliban Thanks Ogie!

IG @stick_e_fingerz

IG @stick_e_fingerz Killin Da Game Cali😎👊

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Day: 95


Progressing well. Buds fattening up. No deficiencies no problems. An absolute joy to grow this phenotype.

2 years ago

Day: 89


Couldn’t water this morning so came back to sad girls. Watered them and an hour later they were very very happy. Pic 1 is thirsty and pic too is well hydrated +1 hour. Only watered w tap w a little vinegar to take my typical ph from 7.1- 7.2 down to mid 6ish. I don’t use my meter much since it’s organic and I know my water.

2 years ago


organic_grower Looking good man!


organic_grower Hey Caliban could you look at my latest post and see if you know what's going on with my plants when you have the time.

Day: 87


Week 4 of flower. Low rh of 38% temps 68/82. All good. Trichomes starting to appear on the sugar leaves!

2 years ago


organic_grower 💯💪 beautiful Caliban

Day: 85


I’m loving this Ethos Apex R1 run: every plant has been outstanding and no problems. Praying to the light here. Yesterday I adjusted the trellis and did some trimming. Top dressed with worm casts. Bloom feed and Bat Gauno.

2 years ago

Day: 83


Buds really starting to form and stack. Did some lite defoliation around the canopy and took out some leaves below. Top dressed w roots organic dry amendments bloom and some worm castings and a Tsp of Sea Bird Guano at 0-12-0. Watered at 7 since soil will correct the ph.

2 years ago


organic_grower Your plants look awesome very healthy! And you got your ink! Good shit Caliban 👊


Caliban Thanks OG! They are having a good grow week.

Day: 79


Buds really forming well!

2 years ago


Discpimp Nice spread Caliban looking great gonna be a full house soon!!👊


Caliban Thanks DiscI always appreciate your comments 

Day: 76


Flowers starting to appear.

2 years ago

Day: 72


Clones taken 8 days ago!

2 years ago


organic_grower Damn that really good! What was your secret?


Caliban First time. I read a lot and basically made my cuts very low on the plant. Dipped them in cloning gel and plugged them into peat plugs. Trimmed the leaves to minimize respiration. Kept plugs in a dome. Rh 80. Temp 80ish. After a few days sprayed leaves and plugs w dilute kelp Nutes. Transplant at day 8.


Caliban Low light levels. Lots of checking water in the pan to keep up humidity. But honestly my buddy and i took good cuts and kept everything sterile w alcohol

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Day: 71


Watered in the morning and 8 hours later the leaves are praying to the lights. I love this phase.

2 years ago

Day: 70


Tightened up the trellis and tucked some more branches. Checked underneath and all is good. No stress from the haircut yesterday.

2 years ago

Day: 69


Defoliation and feeding day. Took about 20% of the bottom growth. Fed some molasses and kelp water and top dressed with roots organic foundation and flower. Watered w 6.4 ph water. Reset into the net and turned up the humidifier.

2 years ago


organic_grower Nice clean up. 👍 What are you PHing your water with?


Caliban Thanks OG. My tap is about 7.2 to 7.3 so im often using white vinegar for down and sodium bicarbonate for up. Organic so it works well w soil. With soil im less precise if just water and no Nutes. I’ll throw a little vinegar but not measure. If I add any liquid Nutes sugars then I’ll ph to 6.3-6.8 range.


organic_grower Thanks for the info! 👊

Day: 67


5 days into flower. Another 1-2” in 24 hours. Did some trellis spreading and will defoliate some of the bottom leaves tonight.

2 years ago


Caliban Pic 6 is last night pre watering. You can see some branches just flopping over w thirst. 2 hours after feeding they were Perking up again. Tent at 68 night to 80 day. Rh around 40-50 inside tent.


Caliban Light touch on feeding. Pretty much just some worm castings and fish bones top dressed with Epsom salts every other watering. Liquid kelp too for micro Nutes. The soil is still very active and I just have to keep it fed. This strain is probably a 58-63 day flower. I love ethos seeds. Their genetics are top notch.


Discpimp Looking great Caliban👍 totally agree Ethos stuff is 💪🔥🔥🔥 Can’t wait to see these pop off think you are going to have a full house!

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Day: 62

Took 3 clones for my buddy.

2 years ago


drdave1 Why do clip the leaves


Caliban The theory is that less leaf surface reduces moisture loss while the roots are growing. Clones drying out is the biggest danger the first week or two.


Caliban The second reason is that clipping the leaf tips prevents them growing and redirects energy to roots which is Job 1!

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Day: 61


Added the trellis and positioned a second one higher up for late flower support. Raised the lights too. Flipping to flower very soon.

2 years ago


organic_grower Those plants are going to be beautiful! Nice work Caliban 👊


Alchemist710 Is that a portable heater or humidifier or what


Caliban Thanks OG

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Day: 57

Last week of Veg. Watered this morning ph 6.4. Top dressed with Roots Organic Veg and Foundation Nutes. Basically fish bones and lots of other good stuff. The girls have pretty much only relied upon the soil and cal-Mg supplements. Very much. I’m going to trellis them this week too. Also the M1A1 is going to be a line tattoo. My first.

2 years ago


ZaddyXL What soil did you use? I did a mix of roots organic and fox farm ocean forest and was told I won’t need to feed for a long while, maybe till flower. But I see your plants have been showing deficiencies and hunger for specific nutes. Did you use a sterile soil?


Caliban I use FFOF and some coast of Maine compost for the bottom layer. I transplant 3x and finish in a 7G. I start to top dress feed the last 2 weeks of Veg. Early veg they always get some Epsom salts and cal-Mg as needed. And sometimes kelp. The soil typically depletes on 3-4 weeks depending on size of plant. I try not to mix soil brand. FFOF is ph regulated to 6.8 which is perfect. My C deficiency likely came from a me not adding cal Mg in time.


Caliban I feed 1/week roots organic food. FOx Farm soil.

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Day: 54

Watering day. About a week or so before flipping.

2 years ago

Day: 50

Mid flower explosion. The plants are really tapping into the deep layer of lobster compost at the bottom of the pot.

2 years ago


organic_grower Nice new growth on your plants! 👍

Day: 48


Ca deficiency corrected through foliar spraying and watering w Cal/mg. Organic. New growth coming in green and healthy.

2 years ago


Caliban Pic 5/6 shows the Ca deficiency and the new growth coming in healthy.

Day: 44

Noticed a Mg deficiency in one plant. You can see it with the leaves praying and the yellowing. Added Epsom salts to the watering.

2 years ago


Gaharvest Looking awesome Caliban👍🏻👊🏻. You get a new light?


Caliban Yeah I got the SF5000 last year and noticed a positive difference in yield. 480watts.


Caliban And thanks GaHarvest!

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Day: 40

Transplant to 7G

2 years ago


organic_grower Moving along nice Cali!


Caliban Always the big milestone. Now the girls can spread for 2-3 weeks before flower.

Day: 35

Watered after 2 days. Plants doing very well and growing about 1” a day on average. Roots starting to appear at drainage hole’s which means transplant time this week. I have to pick up some more FF OF and coast of Maine lobster compost and prep my pots. Otherwise a routine Veg day. Oh and some lobster roles with local caught lobster!

2 years ago


Discpimp Coming along Caliban👍 and damn those rolls look 🔥🔥🤤 one of my favorites!


Caliban The lobstah was great. Connecticuts finest local catch!

Day: 32

Fed with some worm castings and Epsom salts otherwise pretty much letting the soil work as planned. Probably transplant in another week to final 7G pot. And m rescue Coon Thor on his perch dominating the high ground

2 years ago


organic_grower Nice to see you back at it Caliban! 👍👊


Caliban Thanks OG. The seedling phase is pretty boring so haven’t been posting much until lately.

Day: 29


Doing well in their new soil.

2 years ago

Olenonok Hey mate! will you use ventilation?


Caliban I do. AC Infinity in-line fan and 2 8” fans out of picture.


Caliban I posted 2 older pics showing the fan outside the tent. My last run the plants almost touched the lights so had to re rig the tent.

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Day: 24


Transplant to 1g and put them into the tent.

2 years ago

IG @stick_e_fingerz

IG @stick_e_fingerz Yo Cali how you been brother


Caliban Hey Stick! I’m doing well. Took a month off before starting my winter crop. How are things Growmie?

IG @stick_e_fingerz

IG @stick_e_fingerz That’s awesome bro I’m doing great haven’t been on budapp for a while more action on my discord but I’ve been around lately checking things out had a spider mite infestation take out my flower tent so I had to trash it and start over but that’s life I guess

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Day: 17

Moves from heat mat to tent today.

2 years ago


Gaharvest Awesome man👍🏻👊🏻