

First grow

Summer 2021

First grow started in garage moved to closet. Started rough going good now


Day 115 (Week 17)

10 updates

55 photos

Day: 115


Just wondering if y’all think it’s ready to chop?

3 years ago


skanteog Give them 24 hours of light off


skanteog Then chop they look ready

emd555 I prefer to have some amber… depends on ur preference of high.. I like more of a couch lock

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Day: 112

Still all clear. Damn it’s hard to get a good picture of a plant with a microscope haha. Should be enjoying by Christmas 🎄🔥🎄🔥🎄

3 years ago


CannaRabbit Great trich' production💥🙌


Dr_Rockso Thanks excited to enjoy my first harvest

Day: 108


Everybody on this app talks so much shit. But they wish they could grow beauties like this. 💪💪🌳🌳🦨🦨🔥🔥🔥

3 years ago


hem-p U 2 plants in Fam... FOH ☠️😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Cool lil SOIL grow tho Hoe 💯🤫💯


gayla_d 🤙🏼🤙🏼 nice job man. Strain? I am new to the app and already had ppl telling me i grow shitty bud. It’s been like 2 days.


Dr_Rockso I really think it’s skywalker og but I couldn’t tell you 100 it’s just a bag seed. And don’t listen to the dumbasses on this app hopefully they will get tired haha but they been bickering since I downloaded the app months ago

Day: 104


Added another led flood light to the dark side since it grew so tall I had to raise the light. Already buds are getting visibly fatter. Smells delicious few more weeks til harvest

3 years ago

Day: 90


Ended up being female. Starting to get frosty 4th week of flower

3 years ago

Day: 59


Switching to 12/12 tomorrow 🥳🥳 any thoughts?

3 years ago

Day: 57

Still looking good I think. Wondering when I should switch to 12/12? What do y’all think?

3 years ago

Day: 51

Male or female? can anyone tell yet? I think it’s female rather HOPE it’s female

3 years ago


combatmedic81 No idea , but I would tie down those branches so they get more light, make her wide


Dr_Rockso I tried to tie them down but wasn’t working with what I had have to run to the store get some things


combatmedic81 Home Depot and Lowe’s also sell flower stakes, that’s all I use

Day: 50


Before and after the trim. Need to top off I guess gonna learn how to do that and top off in a couple days. Any advice would be appreciated never done this before

3 years ago


bambam93 Ceramic are kinda hard for soil to breath I just learned from my first grow I had plastic but just watch how much you water her


Dr_Rockso @bambam93 it is a plastic painted red. I went out and got cloth for the next go round.


bambam93 Same I used the same for my first I think the cloth is much better it’s just about learning from your mistakes I made a lot myself my first go and I’ll probably make lots more good luck all in all looking pretty healthy

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Day: 49

That’s what I got so far. Any way y’all could tell me if it’s looking good or not?

3 years ago

sweet Leaf

sweet Leaf Looks good. Is that all 1 plant? Time lapse?

Bangin N Sangin

Bangin N Sangin Only thing I’ll say is for next grow you should try LST. Your yields go up and the plant will grow wider instead of taller. Easy to control air flow, light distance, and over all just a good idea. However, this plant looks very healthy.


Dr_Rockso Yes it’s all one plant just found this app so I figured I’d just post all at once to catch everyone up.

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