

My first grow!!

Christmas Eve 2021

I planted 5 pineapple Auto seeds

Pineapple Auto

Day 100 (Week 15)

18 updates

53 photos

Day: 100

Does everyone get up and chop before your lights come on or just whenever? I’ve read morning is best, but I’d have to get up at 4:30. Just curious on what others do.

2 years ago

Day: 96


I’m not seeing any amber trichs yet, just all milky and actually some purple 🤷‍♂️. When do y’all think they’ll be ready?

2 years ago

Day: 90

I didn’t do the best on my first grow, but they are damn near ready.

2 years ago

Day: 69


Taking their sweet time

2 years ago

Day: 58


Still just watering

2 years ago

emd555 Beautiful 🤩

Day: 52

The fun has officially begun!

2 years ago

Day: 47

I had to add a humidifier and dial the lights back a tad, but they are doing their thang.

2 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Nice bro 😎


GiJoey They are still coming along nicely, thanks!

Day: 39

It’d been awhile since I’d checked her trunk😍

2 years ago


dabskies Gorgeous 😍


GiJoey Thanks!! Her sister has a big booty too lol


RawVibez Woooow!! How did you pull that off?

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Day: 35

Fresh layer of my homemade living soil & topped with mulch. Also added a few more worms to the garden.

2 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Looking good bro 😎

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Is this the same plant you tied down


GiJoey Thanks!! No, these are my first 2 grows. I’m letting them go natural, then I’ll be able to compare them with the one that I tied down. They are 3 weeks apart.

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Day: 33

I brought my Fly Traps out of dormancy to help the Sundew as a natural form of pest control. Things are looking good!!

3 years ago


organic_grower Very cool live the fly traps!!

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Like the Venus fly traps but they attract food/pest if I’m not mistaken. I thought buy some for decoration before

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Day: 30

Just let’em ride

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Check out my auto grow bro if you want let me know I’ll take it off private 👍

Day: 27

Hello Ladies 🤞

3 years ago


lation1984 Nice and big 🍃


GiJoey They are coming along nicely, thanks.

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Day: 24

She’s got some junk in her trunk

3 years ago

AS Farm

AS Farm Wow very very beautiful looking healthy… keep it growing 🌱🔥☠️😎


GiJoey Thanks!! I hit her with fish emulsion a couple times, but other than that, just some water.


lation1984 She gets silica by any chance?

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Day: 24

I’m curious as to what everyone thinks about my set up?she’s fully automatic & working perfectly. I’ve just never seen another one close to this HillBilly setup lol.

3 years ago

Dr. Boring

Dr. Boring Looks very nasty and cool, but all that for 2 plants seems like an overkill:) Expand, son


GiJoey Since it’s my first grow, I only put in 2 seedlings & no plans of do anything to them, so I know how any training/topping etc effectively works or doesn’t work. I have another seedling in now & going to add 1 at a time for a few weeks .I’m just learning & gathering info for awhile.

klf202 Good luck Keep us posted

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Day: 14

14 days. All I’ve done is water….watch…. & wait

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Patience my dude 😅😅😅😅😅

Day: 14

Up close & personal with her

3 years ago

EC Ocean Grown

EC Ocean Grown Time too top

Day: 5

So far, so good I reckon

3 years ago


MrStopPlayin Lookin good 😎👌🏿


GiJoey Thanks!! I’ve been gardening for decades, but this has me all nervous lol Everyone has different ways, so I’m just gonna stick to my plan & see how she grows.

Day: 3

My first grow!! Pineapple auto

3 years ago

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Amazing pic 👍🏾


GiJoey Thanks!! I enjoy photography too, so looking forward to getting my camera out soon.

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Well you’ve definitely got a talent there. If u don’t already I’d get an Instagram for your cannabis journey 👍🏾

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