
Rainbow Kush Fem

1st grow on Garden St

Picked up a 10 pack of seeds from Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds, who tout this strain as one of the world’s most colorful. We shall see! Using my 2’ x 4’ tent with a 600 watt MH/HPS light, and an ACFinity ventilation system with carbon filter, as I’m growing for, not my first time, but the first time in my new house in Seattle. Hoping to grow some funky buds, but as my experience in the country where I had several acres to grow on, it’s hard to keep the smell down, so to speak. This strain is a cross between Hindu Kush and Master Kush and is indica dominant at 85% indica and 15% sativa. They claim that the flowers show every color in the spectrum that weed shows with purple, green, blue, yellow and brown all being present on the very pungent buds. We shall see, and I’ll try to keep as detailed a diary as possible.

Rainbow Kush Feminized Photo

Day 135 (Week 20)

28 updates

146 photos

Day: 135


The ladies have been going. I can’t tell if they are getting close to ready, because the buds aren’t really stacking like I’d expect

2 years ago

Day: 123


Here we are 7 full weeks into flowering, and things are looking ok. Several of the flowers do unfortunately look like they may be slightly burned from the lights. I think I may be done feeding them and will now begin to flush. The ladies aren’t huge, but they are at term, so I’m probably going to feed the rest of this week, and spend the next week or two flushing before harvest. Hope they have the reserves for that.

2 years ago

Day: 117


We are reaching the end of week 7 of the flowering phase. The plants have had to deal with some pretty cold temps, which seems to be really slowing them down while they develop buds. The buds are starting to stack a bit and they look generally healthy, but the root zones are getting down below 50 degrees every night, which is not great. The day time temps barely get them above 60 in the root zone, which is actually not the worst thing that could have happened. If the temp was changing more dramatically at the roots, I’d be very concerned, but they seem to start around 50 and get to 57 or so during the day with the lights on. Overall, I’m sure I will get some reasonably good buds from this grow, but I’m sure they could have been heaps better. I’m not sure when I will consider harvesting these at this point. I’m likely going to let them tell me by stacking and stopping I suppose.

2 years ago

Day: 106

Five weeks into the flowering period, and lots is going on. A few weeks back, we had a very cold/snow/rainy stretch that caused the plants and root zones to get quite cold at night. I think that became overly stressful for the plants, as one of the four “ladies” was actually a man baby! Joking aside, the most healthy looking of all of the plants also developed pollen sacs, so I had to toss it out so that we don’t end up with a seedy mess. I’ve actually never seen what happens if the pollen sacs developed fully and released, but I’m not sure I’m overly excited to find out. Since the , I’ve been rigorously checking each of the plants to see if any additional pollen sacs develop. The temp changes and having my plants in a detached barn makes keeping consistent temperature a problem, and the root zones are dropping below 55 at night. I know this is likely a negative impact on the plants, so I have no real expectations that this batch will be the best I’ve grown. All the same, I finally have the net working properly, pulling branches out from the middle to get consistent light coverage on the whole canopy. Making progress, but slowly.

3 years ago

Day: 99


Day 99… crazy. The ladies are still hanging on and seem to be doing pretty well despite the cold snap that we’ve had here in the PNW over the last several weeks. Really since Christmas, we have had heaps of snow and temps have been pretty low that whole time (night times are in the teens). The plants are in a barn / garage that’s detached from the house and not very well insulated. The root zones are checking in around 55 or so, which is better than I had expected frankly, but still slightly too low for the ideal conditions. I have a feeling that has impacted the growth pretty significantly, as they are growing buds, but don’t seem to be doing it very quickly. I’ve put my seedling heat mat under the pots to try to warm them a bit. I’m not sure what else to do about it at this point. Unfortunately a space heater isn’t an option for various reasons. I’d love any advice though.

3 years ago


budman0211 How long of a flowering time for the strain? And how many weeks in are ya?

seadub1979 It’s usually an 8-9 week flower period and I’m in the 5th week of flower. They pretty clearly will need longer than the typical 8-9, given the size and growth rate I’m experiencing. I’m worried that the cold temps along with a really slow start to their lives in general will add up to not ideal results, and I may already be seeing signs of exactly that.

Day: 93


The ladies were changed over to 12/12 back on December 10th, which means that they’ve been flowering for just over 3 weeks. It’s been extremely cold and snowed a good bit for the last week. The plants are in a barn that’s detached from my house in my backyard, and it was REALLY cold out there. I was really concerned about the root zones at night, but they seem to have made it through the m pool week pretty well, all things considered. I am going to get a few soil temperature gauges so that I can keep a close eye on that specifically, but I think things are generally ok. I haven’t ever grown using a SCROG setup before, but it seems like I’m getting a pretty even and full canopy. I’d love to hear any comments!

3 years ago

Day: 80


After several days now with the new bulb and schedule, it looks like they are hitting their stride and beginning to stretch. The canopy is fairly uniform, though one plant is much taller than the others and one much shorter, so not entirely uniform. I’ve also noticed some very yellow spots on the leaves closest to the lights, and this looks an awful lot like light burn, so I’ve moved the lights up. I’m worried that if they grow much taller, I’ll run out of room! I’m also being pretty sparing with the watering and nutrients; as I’ve checked them, it seems that they have needed water only every 2-3 days recently, and I’m trying to let them tell me what they need. The only thing that I’m adding to the water currently is the trifecta of Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice, Piranha and Tarantula for root zone health, but will begin adding primary nutrients soon, as the soil is pretty close to being tapped. Checking the ppm when feeding to make sure I don’t over do it with them.

3 years ago

Day: 77


The girls have been on their new light schedule for a little over a week at this point, and they are doing extremely well. Initially, I forgot to change the light bulb from the MH to the HPS, but got that changed. I honestly forget how different the plants look during flowering because of the orange/yellow colored light that the HPS… but things look great, canopy looks solid and they are definitely stretching already.

3 years ago

Day: 72


The girls have been changed over to their new 12/12 schedule since late last week. I got home late last night after being out of town over the weekend, and the ladies look amazing. Interestingly, I watered them on Thursday last week, and when I checked today, the soil still feels damp and pots are still sort of heavy, which is odd given that they’ve been 4 days now without having been watered. I will give them a bit more time before watering again, but will likely water tomorrow morning bright and early. They were repotted just over a week ago, with super soil from FoxFarms, so I will not be adding any base nutrients for at least another week or so; but I will be using the Advanced Nutrients trifecta of Voodoo Juice, Tarantula, and Piranha, as well as some humic/folic acid and micro; all to support the root-zone development in these early stages of flowering. This is also my first time using a SCrOG setup, and I hope I’m doing this correctly. I’m not sure if I’m timing things correctly or not, but we’re learning as we go. Any advice on that is welcome!

3 years ago

Day: 69

Just a quick note for future reference. This is the first grow that I’ve tried using the SCrOG, and I have absolutely no idea if I’ve deployed the screen correctly or not. It seems like the canopy is fairly even, but I honestly can’t tell if the screen is helping that or if there are just a few strings in the otherwise healthy canopy that aren’t doing much. Will come back to this thought later with hopefully a bit more knowledge!

3 years ago

Day: 68


Ok, today is the day that the girls are switching to 12/12. I’m hoping that the super soil that was used during transplant will help sustain nutrient needs for another week or so. I will be using Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice, Piranha, and Tarantula as well as some CalMag, humic and fulvic acid over that next week or so, to get the root zone as healthy as it can be going into the flowering period. Exciting! With an 8-9 week flowering period, looks like these will be some Valentine’s sweethearts that will hopefully be just as colorful and trichome coated as they can be!

3 years ago

Day: 67


The ladies were transferred to new pots with a soil change. They’ve recovered well from the previous topping and repotting, and I plan to switch the light schedule this week. I have to admit that these plants are much smaller than I would have expected at this point, but we’ll see how dramatically that changes as we go in to flower. I have been using the net/screen and it looks like I’m getting a pretty even canopy. With the transfer to new pots, I repotted with FoxFarm Happy Frog, which has several weeks of nutrients. I have been using only water to feed since then. There are a few leaves on which I observed some very orange/brown spots. I think this is a Calcium/Magnesium deficiency, which I am supplementing with CalMeg; I do not believe that it is fungus. Another thing I noted last weekend were some strangely deformed leaves, which a friend identified as TMV (Tobacco Mosaic Virus). Interesting, but hopefully not terribly detrimental.

3 years ago

Day: 61

The girls are doing really well after their second topping and the introduction of the screen/netting. I used a net with wide holes and string, which seems to be doing just fine. I’m hoping to maintain this even canopy as we move closer to the light schedule change. I plan to transplant these ladies over the weekend, give them a few days of recovery and then switch the lights up to 12/12 by the end of next week. This grow has proven to be rather interesting due to an incredibly slow start, which saw my seeds take nearly two full weeks to pop, followed by another two very slow weeks. By the End of the first 30 days, I had “plants” that looked like day 7 seedlings. I was able to revive them, and adding a bit of npk certainly helped move things along. Now I feel like even though it’s day 58 or 60 or something, it’s really more like day 30. I also planted these girls in pretty shallow soil beds, and they have grown pretty short as a result. Not fully intentional to be honest, but not a terrible result given the tight grow space that I have with that tent. All in all, I’m happy with where they are now and excited to flip to flowering soon!

3 years ago

Day: 58


Things are going along pretty nicely overall. I topped for the second time late last week, and plan to allow them a few more days to continue to recover. I introduced a net/screen as well a few days ago to hopefully achieve an even canopy. Towards the end of this week, I will also transplant, probably to a similarly sized pot, but when I initially popped the seeds, I did that I pretty shallow soil, so I want to get a deeper base for them as they flower, and adding new nutrient-rich soil will help tremendously heading into flowering. So I will transplant later this week, giving a few days to a week for them to recover before changing up the lighting and shifting things into the later part of life. That means these things will have something like 65+ days of veg before moving to the flower stage. Also, as you will see in one of the pics, I’m getting some weird orange/rust looking discoloration on some of the leaves. I think the light was too close before I adjusted, but it strikes me more as something to do with CalMeg… any thoughts?

3 years ago

Day: 56

These ladies continue to grow like weeds! After an incredibly slow start, they have really started to flourish and have gotten much bigger. They responded extremely well to the first topping, and now I’ve topped them a second time. I will give them another couple of weeks to recover, and will then switch them from 18/6 to 12/12, and I will change the light bulb from MH to HPS. Additionally, I have introduced the netting/screen in hopes to grow SCrOG. They are quite old to just now be introducing the net, however, like I said, they really started slowly. An unintended outcome has been that I started these ladies in rather shallow pots, which has made them grow on the very short side, which has made it hard to have a net that will do anything. However, they are tall enough now and the screen seems to be working. Hopefully I achieve a good, even canopy, and I plan to transplant them just before flipping to Flower.

3 years ago

Day: 53

Another week into veg, and I’m finally going to introduce the screen for my SCrOG. The plants weren’t quite big enough until now, but man or man have they taken off this week! They’ve grown at least 2” this week, and added several cola sites. I think I will top them another time later this weekend, and then I’ll give them another 2 weeks or so before I flip to flower. This grow has a big asterisks next to it… I somehow fumbled getting the seeds started, and they took almost two weeks to pop, and proceeded to have the slowest start I’ve experienced thus far. When they were about 30 days old, finally they started to take off, so I feel like the timing is really off with these ones. Nonetheless, I plan to top, wait two weeks for recovery and then will flip the light cycle.

3 years ago

Day: 46

They have been topped as of today, as they were presenting their 6th-7th nodes. Hoping this will help with lateral branching, though I’m very happy with the overall plant progress and health. The leaves continue their “praying” behavior and I think we are in a good place with respect to the nutrients, feeding schedule, lighting and ventilation. Hopefully we will continue to see progress like this.

3 years ago

Day: 44

Ok, we are now finally looking like all systems are a go! I’ve said this a few times, but the first several weeks of this grow went SO SLOWLY. I am still relatively new at this (started growing on New Year’s Day this year), and I will be honest that propagation is the part that I feel the least confident about, which probably contributed to the slowness of this start. But things are now looking pretty damn good I’d say; I think the lights are at the perfect distance and intensity, I’ve got the watering/feeding schedule in a great place, and they have responded really well. I’m getting closer now to topping the ladies and putting up the net. The plants are still somewhat short, and part of that is due to the depth (or lack thereof) in the pots currently. I will transplant them when I switch the light schedule and hopefully we’ll time things such that we end up with a nice wide canopy!

3 years ago

Day: 39

Anyone ever notice that praying leaves droop almost immediately upon being watered? They seem to perk back up pretty quickly (assuming you haven’t overwatered significantly) but it’s really neat to see your plants respond. After a really slow start to this grow, things are starting to really shape up and look nice. These four ladies are even approaching their first topping I think. I’ll put the nets up soon as well. Even though the calendar shows day 39, I think that I need to knock quite a few of those days off… I did soak my seeds for 24 hours, but then put them directly into the medium, and they took forever to sprout. I was worried that they just weren’t going to do it there for a bit, but about 7 days or so after planting, out they came. They also seemed to be really slow over the next several weeks. If you see my previous posts, I was really experiencing abnormally slow progress for a bit. But over the last two weeks or so, these girls have really perked up and seem to be thriving. Just needed a bit of love (and some nitrogen) and it looks like we are on track. Now this is going to present some weird timing things going forward, but I’m going to let these girls veg for at least another few weeks I think. While they’ve made good progress, they kinda look like they should have on like day 21 or something, but I’m not sure if I should expect rapid growth from here or not. I am still relatively new at this, but I know understand the allure of growing variety vs consistently well.

3 years ago


bjbetty When seeds soaked for too long (longer than 12 hour) they will have a risk of root rotten (may be some part of it) and not performing well in seedling stage. Try Cotton pad method by Dutch passion, it works for me everytime.

seadub1979 Alright, that’s a great suggestion. I’ve tried rock wool before and haven’t had much luck… kinda always done the soak and then directly into medium, but it clearly didn’t work that well this time. I’ll take a look at this cotton pad method!

Day: 37

End of the weekend and the ladies are looking pretty nice. I’m pleased with the overall progress. When watering, I have started adding nutrients over the last week, including (mostly Advanced Nutrients) Connoisseur Grow parts A&B, Piranha, Tarantula and Voodoo Juice, Nirvana, Cal-Mag, and a chitosan acetate mix from my good friends at the local hydro shop. These things cover the base nutes, micros, root zone, and uptake.

3 years ago


RedNeckFarms What kind of lights are you using? Them ladies are praying beautifully


RedNeckFarms Never mind on the lights I read in the bio

seadub1979 They are praying nicely! 600 watt HPS/MH HID with a tube reflector that is ~12-15” from the plants on 100%

Day: 34

Ok, I think we are back on track now. After what seemed like an INCREDIBLY SLOW start, the ladies are finally starting to show some good signs. We’ve now got several new leaves, a lot less yellow, and some real growth. Still no where near where I woulda thought we’d be by day 34, but it is, as they say, what it is.

3 years ago

alawishes86 Lol I’d be so pissed if I was on day 34 n my shit looked like this 😂😂. Glad you got everything dialed in! Off to the races now

seadub1979 I did put the seeds directly in the medium when I popped, and that took a bit of time. But yeah, even if I’m on an adjusted day 25, these are still pretty damned small. I’m pretty pissed, but also attempting patience.

alawishes86 Lol it’s the perfect way to practice patience

Day: 32


Alright, I think we are back in business. I’ve been very attentive to the wet/dry cycle, and making sure to water only at the base of the plant / root zone. I’ve added Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow Parts A&B, Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice, Tarantula, and Piranha to help these young ladies along, and that seems to have helped right the ship so to speak. More to come!

3 years ago

Day: 30


Certainly appreciate all of the comments on my last update. This time, things look somewhat better, and now several small leaves have formed. One of them in particular is quite yellow and has some weird discoloration. This time when I watered, I added Advanced Nutreints Connoisseur Grow Base A&B as well as the Advanced Nutrients Piranha, Tarantula and Voodoo Juice combo. Hopefully they will recover with some nitrogen, and those root zones will flourish.

3 years ago

Jenny 95

Jenny 95 Hello guys please be careful not to get scammed when buying weed online ... check out the first website I ordered weed from and they supplied me good weed on time Don’t be fooled by the sweet words of these scam guys. Bless you all🙏🏽


mikki1time What’s your reason behind the half filled pots?

seadub1979 Not an incredibly great one aside from being low on soil when I potted them.

Day: 30


Looking slightly better today. Still got some yellow, but watered yesterday and allowing them to dry completely before watering again. One thing that I’m not entirely sure what to do about is checking run off. I am not sure if I should be watering enough to create run off at this point or not. Realize that I shouldn’t water the whole pot, but do I water enough to create run off when they are this small?

3 years ago

Day: 27

These don’t look quite like day 27 plants, but I suppose the day count started when I put the seeds in the dirt, and they took a while to get started. Nonetheless, I still don’t feel like I’m getting much in the way of growth on these lady’s. They have developed new leaves, and they are still going, but man, it really feels like quite slow progress this time around. These are new seeds from a new seed bank for me, (Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds - Rainbow Kush) and I haven’t actually put new seeds in since the beginning of spring (my very favorite Red Mandarine), so maybe I need to just be patient. The plants all do have some interesting coloring thus far even for very small girls. Anyhow, here’s hoping I haven’t messed something up royally!

3 years ago


Omnigrowth 27 days is. Looooong time for Them to just be sprouting, but they seem to be doing alright so far. Perhaps the humidity wasn’t high enough if you simply plopped them into the soil, so it took longer for the seeds to germinate


hempgeneration They look really yellow for seedlings. You shouldn’t be watering these babies AT ALL until the soil is darn near dried to the bone. Then water. If you need good nutrients contact us we sell incredible nutrients. You won’t need cal-mag or bud candy or anything. Our custom fertilizer has it all. Just remember most importantly. Let the soil dry to the bone… what are you using as a substrate?

seadub1979 Well @hempgeneration I will absolutely be in touch RE nutrients. I primarily use Advanced Nutrients, when I get to the point that I’m adding nutes. I am using Fox Farms Ocean Forest for the soil, so I’ve got several weeks of nutes already available for them. I also agree with your thoughts on watering, which is exactly what I’ve been doing thus far. Just water once every 2-3 days I’d say is where I’m at, though I just monitor and add water when the soil is bone dry. I’m not entirely new to this, and I’m just as surprised to see such slow/no growth. I honestly don’t know what’s happening, but they look almost exactly like they did in the pic I took nearly 10 days ago. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing, and I started today adding the Piranha/Tarantula/Voodoo Juice root zone enhancers. Hopefully that plus patience and time gets me where we wanna go!

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Day: 18

Honestly not much progress to speak of over the last week. I’ve been thoroughly distracted by the Red Mandarine plants that I’ve just harvested, but now my attention returns. I think I may have had the light setting a bit high for the young gals, as they were “praying” the last few days and seemed a bit less green that would be ideal, so turned them down a bit and things look good. Hopefully a growth spurt is on the horizon.

3 years ago

Day: 10

They have popped! Well 4 of the 5 seeds did anyway! (I originally wrote pooped but thank you autocorrect!) I have been growing only in my greenhouse over the last almost 6 months, but moved to a new place without that type of space, and we are headed to winter now, so I’ve set things up inside. I still have 4 plants that will need to be harvested within the next few weeks, but then will refocus here. I am on a quest for color, and I think I’ve chosen a good strain for that purpose. My Red Mandarines have shown me just how purple/red/black these ladies can get, and I’m hoping to continue that here. I also plan to try to ScrOG method this time, hence having 4 plants in my 2’x4’ tent.

3 years ago


akadumbitts why didn’t you fill pots?

seadub1979 Because I didn’t have enough soil! Doh! I’m gonna fix it…


@eaegifts Not a bad thing tho, let them stretch a little them bury the stem it’ll give u a better root ball an stronger stem entering the Veg stage 👍🏾

Day: 1

Day one, soaked em last night and popped em straight in the medium. That’s been the most reliable method that I’ve experienced so far. Will report back with more later.

3 years ago