First grow tent / Winter indoor grow
Winter 2021 / 2022
First time using any light besides the sun itself. Not running a DWC hydro like I planned just soil until I get the feel on how nurturing my homemade grow box will be to my girls before trying hydro. Wish me luck on these photo lava cake free seeds from local hydroponic store!
Lava Cake
Day 45 (Week 7)
18 updates
157 photos
Day: 45

Nothing really going on but growth ! Looking happy today I take pics everyday why not post em lol
3 years ago
Kyhoops757 Right and left pots are both strains of lava cakes reg photo free seeds from local hydroponic store... both same age left is way more short bushy well on the right side well.. she’s just a beast already.. middle plant is Girl Scout cookies bag seed find from a good friend only 4 weeks behind other 2..
Day: 43

Painted humidifier black, (was growing algae every other day getting nasty hopefully this helps) added a fan, and did some training to both lava cakes. Coming up on week 5 veg both lava cakes dec 10th and first week veg for the Girl Scout cookies, Dec 10th as well.( I just consider it that after seedling stage and transplant) coming along plants stems look so green and thick! Nothing like my first outdoor experience. I feel very well more educated, and willingness to be attentive as possible to every need is making a huge difference in this grow! Hope to see good nugs by April 1st hopefully if time plays right I’ll be starting an 8 plant grow outdoors same day I harvest all these! Shooting for it we shall see Girl Scout is pretty much a month behind but I’ve pre mixed the pride lands and gave it mycorrhiza on roots during transplant. I don’t plan on any training or topping on the Girl Scout so we shall see what happens! Any tip or questions comment away
3 years ago
organic_grower Nice DIY grow cabinet!
beetlegrown Nice work on the plants. Be careful of that humidifier under ur power.
Day: 41

Transplanted the Girl Scout last night moved box around a little cleaned and re made c02! But found out one of local hydroponic stores just started getting exhale bags. I put it on x mas list lol.. and after posting on different sites I’ve found a couple answers about leaves.. def wasn’t spider mites. No need for green cleaner... I just chopped off defected leaves and just gonna let em do their thing! Veg on sweet lady’s veg on
3 years ago
steve112 Looking good
Day: 39

Repost looking for answers.. reused outdoor soil from last year did not add any repellent before planting! Regretting it now.. I have this green cleaner. Same thing happened to my outdoor last year leaves would have holes pretty sure it’s spider mites? Someone help please should I start using this stuff trying to stop problem before it increases
3 years ago
Day: 38

Using old soil from last outdoor grow.. not sure exactly if it was a good idea at this point. Not exactly sure what’s going on on some of these fan leaves but if I had to take an educational guess I’d say maybe spider mites or something? I have this green cleaner that i have used once before outside but was then worried once some leaves turned yellow but I think that may been around the same time I was trying to feed it done fox farm liquid feed so I just stopped both. This was last year just trying to get a plant to grow. I’m trying to hop on the problem now before anything bad happens and potentially ruins quality of buds. I also did start top feeding but only 1/2 of what it called for to let plants acclimate a little before full force feed schedule once a week. I doubt it’s any nutrient deficiency though... any help and suggestions thanks... 
3 years ago
mfishman7 I will use the same soil 3 to 4 times ,I flush it real good and add worm casings to soil,mix good,replant
Day: 35

Cleaned & Rearranged the box feeling a little bit better about the plants on this stand and the lights running on a new support. Found a old corner shelf for fan to blow above canopy. New nodes coming in from the topping so seems they are feeling good too and growing. Also made some butter from last years trim! Productive weekend I’d say lol
3 years ago
ganjaman420 I like this fitted room great job!
Day: 33

Got more free seeds today at the Black Friday sale at local hydroponic store ! Some new face off I’ll save for outside next year! Also girls looked so healthy started lst on four biggest fan leaves on both lava cakes. Also fungus nat catchers came in mail today so added those to the pots as well to keep out any from old soil from last years grow they have been flying around so nipping that in the bud before it gets to bad.. didn’t want to start chopping stuff off the day right after topping but I was wondering if I plan to scrog them out with a bigger light later on should I just snip all that underneath coming in ? Let me know thoughts thanks! Am I doing alright please let me know
3 years ago
Day: 32

Thanks giving day! Today I started 3 1/2 tablespoons of pride lands veg top feed it calls for 1 tablespoon per gallon but I figured if I did half at first that would be better than straight full force feed on the first feed. The plants seemed to be under watered I guess I have been kinda treating them as seedling just being real careful to not drown roots in a bigger pot as smaller plants at first. But now with them being a month old I’ve now topped them and started watering about 350 ml of water. Top feed will be applied once a week and will gradually increase over time! The plants are looking very happy both of them are standing up right nice and looking happy as hell! Seedling in cup the seed shell finally fell off tonight as well! Hopefully gonna get some nice quality nugs with all this effort to make the best controlled environment for them! Also never used any nutes before ever! Hope it makes them better too
3 years ago
Day: 30

Was wondering if anyone knows what might be going on? Both the same strain everything has been done the same water schedule everything but this one plant is having so much under growth.. now I will say the taller lava cake has been on the right side closer to the c02 and maybe a better spot under the light all though I’ve had it near the clamp lamp to try and help make up for the not as much light? The plant does seem healthy the curling leaves do concern me the main stalk in also curved it seems while the other is standing straight up! Should I not be using the other light? Is it maybe messing them up and deforming the grow on the plant closest to the clamp lamp? If anyone could help or have any tips please let me know thanks! Also seeding in cup seems to be taking longer to grow but maybe it’s just me been almost 10 days since put in cup! I have lights going on at 6 pm going off at 11 am. Heater on constant eco friendly mode maintaining at low 70 range. Humidifier on switch with lights maintaining a low 70 to high 60. C02 on a constant hooked to a fan also always constant.. I’ve now switched the plants sides and lowered clamp lamp and scooted over to try and give shorter plant and seedling more light! Again any pointers please help!
3 years ago
kendawg Try raising the light a tad, they don’t need much light in veg
mystrain420 _@eaegifts If it’s only the one near the clamp light then you need to move the clamp light up. Plants will reach for light so it’ll lean over if it’s close enough light and tight node spacing can be fixed by raising the light as the previous comment says. Do the hand test for hanging lights when unsure also bump up to 80F if u can and cut back on waters a bit. The droop looks to be over or under watering 👍🏾
Day: 22

Bag seed germinated! Buddy said the strain as far as he was told was Girl Scout cookies. So 3rd plant to the box 2 lava cakes and 1 Girl Scout bag seed! This should be fun not sure if I’ll have room from what I remember my first outdoor plant wouldn’t even fit in my box but I think it was in a 25 gallon tub or 15 or something big I just plan on having these 3 in 7 gallon smart pots the just ocean forest soil with a little hydro ton pebbles mixed with old ocean forest from my outdoor grow last year.. I’m planning on getting a better light since I’m adding on this other plant hopefully can get one for x mas! I feel like I may have messed in in a since of the pots being filled to the brim with such young plants, that’s why I’m trying to do this other seed a little different by starting in a cup and will later transplant. Also should make it easier to maneuver in a cup for now.. anyone have a good idea when to transplant and have any good suggestions on how I can support my plant in their later life? Hopefully can try and scrog the two lava cakes and just planned on not even topping the Girl Scout cookies and seeing how big of a nug I can get lol. Any tips and tricks or questions everything helps thanks!
3 years ago
Day: 19

My buddy at work found a random seed in some stuff he had figured why not throw it in the box this winter with the others.. also ran duct out the window for now running the carbon filter to help with smell of c02 big day for the box prob gonna add lights eventually but other than that... plan on starting this seed out in a 7 gallon smart pot just like others!
3 years ago
Kyhoops757 Any light suggestions for a 4x4 box with 3 plants?
combatmedic81 Just an observation. You are filtering air that is being exhausted outside, right? Why use the carbon filter? All that air is being pushed outside .
Kyhoops757 Because I have a c02 generator that smells like shit from yeast and sugar mix
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Day: 16

Just a few minor adjustments, moved both plants on same height rack not sure what I was thinking by not doing that from the jump lol. But added homemade c02 pump to back of fan keeping a blanket over top to help insulate a little heat and keep it completely dark inside during the day! Also added dehumidifier humidity levels have been above 50% trying to get constant 40% or lower... Still counting down to the 25th of this month to start top feed
3 years ago
Kyhoops757 Found out today after reading around and I was sure of this from previous research and it should just be pretty much common since but veg and seedling stage humidity or levels should be around 70% so added humidifier back to raise those levels c02 provider is working fine.. cutting a 4 inch hole to vent out smell from it this weekend !
Day: 12

So I was fortunate to find a little heater on a job site today lol so I got the heat lamp just hanging in the garage for when I go down there to smoke. Got the power strip figured out now cords all in place, neat and safely. Still need to figure out something as far as the heater maybe needing more at times when I can’t get to it, and it knows to give it more. For now it’s just on a low setting, and it seems to be doing fine. The temp is 46 degrees in VA right now and the temp in the box is staying surprisingly around 72-76 every time I check, witch is quite often when I’m home just to make sure they are okay, also sprayed with water when they get dry because of heater. Maybe a humidifier would help with dry problems from heat in box? But anyways light comes on at night at 6 pm and stays on til 10 am... new heater and fan are in the always on side of power strip. I’ve packed dirt around the little babies, to help with support since fan is in running too also adding the extra little bulb in clamp lamp will stop stretching as bad. Other than that everything seems good waiting til Thanksgiving (Nov 25) day to start top feed. Maybe won’t post again until then any tips and input that could help until then is appreciated!
3 years ago
GreenNinjaMaster Looks great man, throw a little tape on any lights on power strip timers and space heaters. When you have the lights off you don’t want those lights on and throwing your plant off.
Day: 10

Got the power strip heat lamp heating pad and both lights all on a 6 off 18 on timer and fan all the time on, still want to order space heater with auto turn on! But heat lamp on timer will do for now little ladies loving the house though
3 years ago
mystrain420 _@eaegifts They stretched krazy, may need to get the lights closer
TheSocialGrower that’s a fiiine power strip! also, that light bulb, is it just for extra bloom power? i’ve been looking for a good bloom bulb to put in my clamp lamp
Kyhoops757 Thanks man I’ll scoot the light closer tonight!
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Day: 9

Added a little heat lamp not facing the plants, plan on getting it hopefully put on a timer soon along with the lights. Just order power strip with timer should be here by Wednesday. But so far so good temps are a little low I think 62 around I think or 64 but it’s cold in the garage right now so heat lamp manuallly turned on and off for now to help with temperature. Other than that so far so good! First try at the indoor during winter.
3 years ago
Kyhoops757 Also just doing a rough timer self manually by myself from time I get off work they stay on to help hold heat when it’s the coldest til I go to work where in Virginia right now tends to be up around 68-70. So I just turn off before work turn on after.. pretty simple for now... Timer should be more convenient and helpful with more outlets!
Kyhoops757 After an hr box is at 73.9 not bad I’ll just watch it not let it get super hot in there
GreenNinjaMaster Get a small space heater and a Amazon grow tent thermostat. 35$ for base 45$ for the WiFi. Set and sit back
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Day: 6

Left leaves look so much different from the right lol using same soil from last years outdoor grow, mixed with a little fresh ocean forest and a few hydro ton pebbles. Haven’t been able to get a filter for water for plants. Also should I be checking the PH balance before I just feed them regular tap water? Also I plan on the count down for 30 days before I start on the top dressing feed. I will be feeding with the pride lands the people told me at hydroponic store it’s good stuff but I guess we shall see. I’m also growing in the winter in my garage with reg photo seeds. So my setup with eventually evolve and adapt to conditions I am permitted. I am only using a little light I got off Amazon to try for my first indoor grow, pic was posted in first post of this journal. I also have a little grow light from Home Depot in a little light dish for extra light. But main light is a 1000 watts not sure if that will be enough to 2 plants in 7 gallon pots in a 4x4 box? Any help and tips for going into my first indoor / 2nd grow ever would be greatly appreciated for anyone who takes the time to help!
3 years ago
Kyhoops757 Also if anyone could help with a main supply list for a good indoor conditions for these girls ! I know some little things like co2 bags hung during grow maybe humidifier and such maybe a heater now winter is around the corner and I’m growing in my uninsulated garage
Day: 3

Waiting on the sprout 🌱
3 years ago
Day: 1

Paper towels for the germination state Lava cake seeds from free seed give away at local hydroponic store!
3 years ago
Fatman Nice setup
Kyhoops757 Thanks man figured wood would hold heat a little better down in the garage during winter time !